Friday, February 11, 2011

Son of the Heaven

1022 B.C.E. CHANGAN- Yesterday; Emperor Wu said to the people that he was chosen by the gods to defeat the Shang Dynasty and move China on to the next one, the Zhou Dynasty. Some people think that the Mandate of heaven is a hoax and it only exists in myth. Emperor Wu has defeated the Shang dynasty and china is now in a new Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty. Emperor Wu was chosen by the gods to defeat the Shang and rule over the dynasty. People are saying that he hoaxed the whole thing but not li Hou he says, “Before Wu came along there was no crops growing and a lot of floods”. On the other hand people say he was not chosen to rule he just faked the whole thing like Li Xian who says, “That Wu faked everything, and everything was fine until he came along, he ruined everything, because of him no crops are growing and it’s hard for my husband to find a job”. So as you see there are various ideas of what actually happened.

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