Monday, February 14, 2011

Interview With Emperor Wu.

Interviewer: Hey there Handsome how you doing?

Emperor Wu: I'm doing thank you.

Interviewer: let’s get started shall we?

Emperor: We shall indeed.

Interviewer: What did you think of the finding of bronze? How did you use it?

Emperor Wu: Well, the finding of bronze was an incredible find. We used the bronze to make bronze coins instead of the spade coins and I also asked my sculptor to make me bronze vessels as art for my palace.

Interviewer: People say that the book of songs helped them a lot. How did it help you and in what ways?

Emperor Wu: Well, the book of songs helped me in how to run my empire because there were some songs in it about past wars and how they won. And I also used it when I got married they sang my favorite song.

Interviewer: What do you think of the invention of the crossbow?

Emperor Wu: I think it is a very fascinating weapon and it really helps us in war.

Interviewer: Very nice, why did you think using feudalism was a good idea?

Emperor Wu: I decided to use feudalism because I thought it would be a good idea that we had different provinces and that each province had its own lord. I also did it because I had more help in running my land and empire.

Interviewer: How long do you think your empire is going to last for, and why?

Emperor Wu: I think my dynasty is going to last for Ten-Thousand years. I think this because I am a good ruler and i can help this empire get through anything.

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